submission received in early February
The oldhead homie says,
The context for what follows is this: An anarchist assembly was held in Pittsburgh sometime in 2024, during which some attendees got upset with someone for not wearing an N95 mask. The other discussion topics (federal charges, grand juries, new police training facilities, squatting, etc) must have felt trivial in comparison to this transgression, because the forever-maskers later sent out an invite to a new “assembly,” featuring an hours long PowerPoint presentation on proper masking, and about how not wearing a mask properly contributes to the Palestinian genocide.
The organizers also requested attendees purchase a zine called “Mask Up, We Need You” that connected maskless socializing to both that particular genocide as well as a host of other evils. A coupon code was thoughtfully provided for Organizers.
The zine linked below was made freely available at the event. By all accounts, it was received in the manner considered traditional for authoritarian activists.