fresh start

We’re doing another one of these. Yeah yeah, yet another counterinfo site in a sea of them, but we think it’s important. Pittsburgh is buzzing and we want to publish your stuff. Zines, reportbacks, communiques, rants, etc. – can’t wait to hear from you. Click through for more.

For a while now there’s been a gap in the counterinfo space here. Filler’s counterinfo project called it quits a bit ago after an impressive run. The scene feels very alive and a site like this helps circulate information that sparks activity. Pittsburgh’s anarchists are connecting both within our region and to other places, forging links that will be crucial in the next few years. We want to publish the writing that provokes discussion within the scene, causes people to take steps towards what they previously considered impossible. Critiques, communiques, all of it. Read it here and take it back to your friends, your affinity groups, discuss, and move forward.

Solidarity forever. Let’s keep it going. See our Submissions page to get in touch.