Community Warning: Federal Grand Jury, March 2025

Submission received early March 2025

On Friday, March 7th at roughly 09:00 AM a community member was approached by two federal agents outside of her home in on her way to work. The agents identified themselves as with the FBI and said they wanted to ask her some questions. They showed her a picture of a current federal defendant and asked if she knew him. She told them she couldn’t answer any questions without her attorney and asked them to leave a card.

They additionally delivered a subpoena to appear at a grand jury convened at the federal courthouse in Downtown Pittsburgh on 3/18. This incident follows other subpoenas delivered related to this same investigation in December in State College and in January in Pittsburgh as well as the seizures of multiple cell phones in relation to this case.

If you or anyone you know is contacted by the federal agents or delivered a grand jury subpoena, follow this community member’s example. Do not answer any questions, ask them for their card, and tell them your lawyer may contact them. Do not consent to a search. If they say they have a warrant, ask to see it. Call the National Lawyers Guild’s federal Repression hotline at 2126792811 and notify your local NLG chapter at Additionally, you can contact the Federal Public Defender’s office at 4126446565 if you are served a federal grand jury subpoena or are subject to a federal warrant.

For more information on grand juries:
Podcast and transcript on grand juries –
Grand Jury Resistance Project –
Trifold Brochure on Grand Juries –

See also the previous grand jury warning posted to this site.