Event Series: Prisoner Letter Writing at Roboto

Submission received late February 2025

TL;DR – Come write letters to prisoners at the Mr. Roboto Project, 3rd Sunday every month, 1430 – 1530 (230p-330p)

Prisoners who have gone to jail and come back talk about how letters they received from the outside helped them keep their spirits up and stay connected to the outside world.

Writing a letter takes very little time and can mean the world to someone who the state is holding prisoner. If you want to get involved, snacks and supplies will be provided every third Sunday at Mr. Roboto Project, 5106 Penn Ave, from 230p-330p. The next occurrence is March 16. Hope to see you there.

Editor’s Note: this event has been added to the Events page. You can send other events and they’ll get listed there too.